13 articles
Customizing Email TemplatesHow to customize, personalize, or brand the emails sent to attendees.
How Music Mode Works
An Overview of RolesHow channel-level and event-level role assignments work.
How to Create a Multi-Session EventWhat is a multi-session event anyway? Why would I create one? How do I build a multi-session event? Learn this and more here!
Customize a Crowdcast URLHow to create a customized URL for your event.
Custom Registration FieldsCollect additional data from your attendees at the point of registration. (Available to Pro and Business plans only.)
Creating a Private EventUnlisted events are accessible only to those who have the event URL.
Hiding the Attendee List in Your EventWant to remove the People tab from those in the audience? Here's how.
Registering Emails Into Your EventYou can import attendees and guests into your event, allowing them to bypass registration.
How to Disable or Hide the Chat
How to Email Your AttendeesYou can send an email to your attendees anytime from within the event.
Hosting Ticketed EventsHow to set up paid events on Crowdcast, promo codes, payment options, and more.
Optimize your email marketing with pre-filled attendee emails