We automatically send your attendees a registration confirmation email and a reminder email ten minutes before you go live. If you prefer to send emails through your own methods, you can disable these from within the Notifications section when building or editing your event.
You can also email your attendees at any time from within an event by following these steps:
From within your event, open the Options menu from the top right corner, and select Email Attendees.
A window will then open where you can draft and send an email to the attendees of your event. You can use the available email variables to customize your communication with your attendees’ names and your event title. You can also add images and have some text formatting options like headers and lists.
Important Notes
The subject line will read "Message From [your channel name] via Crowdcast"
In order to receive email notifications or messages from the host of an event, users must first visit the event from the link in the confirmation of registration email, or verify their email address.
At the moment, anyone who is assigned a channel or event-level role will not receive the 10 minute reminder email, or emails sent from within an event. We're working to make that change soon!
What about attendees registered who haven't watched / attended yet? They will still receive any email you send from within the event.
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