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How to Create an Event

The complete guide to building an event on Crowdcast and navigating the event creation form.

Updated this week

When you’re ready to create your first event, click the New event button in the top left corner of the screen.

Here’s a breakdown of each part of the edit event form.

Main Info

When you create a new event, you'll start with the Main Info section where you can setup all the basic details of your event.

1. Title: Name your event

2. Schedule: Select whether you want to create a single session or a multi-session event. If you’re creating a single session event, go ahead and chose a start date, time, and anticipated duration.

📌 A note on time zones: Be sure your time zone is accurate or change the time zone to reflect your location. If you are using a VPN, the time zone will default to the location of your chosen VPN server. Attendees will see the event time displayed in their own time zones.

Your event will not end automatically if you exceed the specified duration, but keep your plan’s session length and monthly hourly allowance in mind.

If you’re creating a multi-session event, you’ll repeat these steps for each individual session. You can create simultaneous, back-to-back, and even multi-day sessions.

You can select how calendar invitations are received by attendees.

You can write a description for each session, and you can also group your sessions into tracks. Tracks allow attendees to filter the available sessions based on the topic being covered or the type of session. Here’s an example from a scientific conference with tracks indicating which branch of science is associated with each session:

3. Access: Select Registration Required if your event is free and requires only that the attendee registers in order to attend.

Selected Ticketed if you’re charging attendees to attend your event. If you’ve never set up a ticketed event, you’ll need to first connect your Stripe account. From there, you can build multiple ticket tiers. Learn more about creating tickets here.

You can also build promo codes for discounted access to your ticketed event. Promo codes may be based on a percentage discount or a dollar amount, and you can schedule when they’re available for use.

The final access option is for Patreon hosts. For those hosts, be sure to check out our Patreon support doc. Patreon creators can limit their events to only those supporters who are at the selected tier.

4. Visibility: This is where you determine whether your event will be an unlisted event – meaning only those who have the URL can find it – or a public, discoverable event that can be found via search engines. You can also customize your event URL in this section.

If the event is unlisted, you can password-protect the event for an additional layer of security. If the event is public, you can add tags with searchable keywords related to the content of your event.

5. About: Use this section to build your attendee-facing registration page. Be sure to add a cover photo and then use the description section to communicate important information to your attendees about your event.

Notion Image

Custom Fields

If you are on the Pro or Business plan, you can add custom fields using the menu option to the left. This section allows you to collect specific data from your attendees when they register.


Pro and Business plans also have the ability to set up Multistreams. Use this section to set up simultaneous streaming of your event to another platform like Facebook, Youtube, or LinkedIn. You can always create your event and set up multistreams later if you wish.


All plan levels will see the Notifications section when creating an event. This is where you control what emails attendees receive as well as whether you receive registration notification. Crowdcast automatically sends a registration confirmation email and a 10-minute reminder email to your attendees. You can turn those off here if you want to email your attendees through other methods. (Bear in mind that you can customize emails sent through Crowdcast.)


The Advanced section is also visible to all plan levels. This is where you can cap the number of attendees who are able to register for your event. This feature is useful if you want to avoid overage charges or if you want to ensure only the exact number of attendees you've imported will be able to attend.

You can also customize your event's registration button from within this section. The registration button says Save my spot by default. If you're running a ticketed event, the button will say View tickets and cannot be changed.

That's it! You've built your first Crowdcast event. 💪 Check out our other Getting Started resources for more.

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