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Crowdcast for Guest Speakers
Crowdcast for Guest Speakers

Here's everything you need to know about joining the stage as a guest and what controls are available to you.

Updated over 5 months ago

Before joining the stage in a Crowdcast event, make sure you’ve run through this Guest Checklist.

The host has two options for bringing you to the stage:

  • They can change your role to Speaker which allows you to join the stage without invitation, OR

  • They can send you an invitation to join the stage.

Make sure you know in advance which method the host will use.

If the host has changed your role from attendee to Speaker...

You'll see a Join Stage button below the stage.

Clicking that button will open the AV Console where you can confirm your camera and mic setup before fully joining the stage. Use the available dropdown menus if you need to select different equipment.

If the host sends you an invitation to join the stage...

You'll see the below prompt pop up on your screen.

Accepting that prompt will open the AV Console where you can confirm your camera and mic setup before fully joining the stage. Use the available dropdown menus if you need to select different equipment.

If you accidentally click away from the prompt and close it, you can still accept the invitation by opening the People tab and clicking the green checkmark.

Stage Controls for Guest Speakers

After you've joined the stage, you'll see these controls available at the bottom of your screen:

  • The mic icon allows you to toggle your mic on/off. If the mic is OFF, it will be red with a line through it. If it is ON, it will be white.

  • The camera icon allows you to toggle your camera on/off. If the camera is OFF, it will be red with a line through it. If it is ON, it will be white.

  • The rectangle with an upward arrow allows you to share your screen, upload slides, or upload a video from a URL. Learn more about sharing media to the stage here.

  • The settings cog will re-open the AV console where you can change your camera or mic input.

  • The circle with a horizontal line will remove you from the stage.

FAQs for Guest Speakers

How do I ensure the best quality audio if I'm sharing music, singing or playing an instrument while I'm on stage?

To ensure the best quality music sharing while on stage we recommend turning Music mode on from your AV Console. This is where you can toggle on/off Music mode:

  • The toggle switch for Music mode will turn green when the it is ON, and grey when it is OFF.

What do I do if my audio or video isn't working?

  • Try refreshing.

  • Confirm that you have the correct camera/mic input selected in the AV console.

  • Confirm that you've enabled permissions for your browser. Learn more here.

  • Try toggling your camera or mic off/on again.

What do I do if I'm experiencing a lot of lagging/buffering?

If you've followed all of the steps in our Guest Checklist, and you're still experiencing lagging/buffering, it's possible that your connection is poor or that your device doesn't have the processing power for streaming. Please try refreshing or rebooting your device. If possible, join from a computer and not a mobile device. You can also test joining from a different, Chromium-based browser.

What if I want to share my slides with the host in advance? Can they upload them for me?

Yes! The host can upload your slides to Crowdcast's built-in Studio. You won't have access to the Studio, but you can still access those files through the screenshare icon at the bottom of your screen once you're on stage.

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