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Screen Sharing During An Event

How to share a browser tab, window, or entire screen on stage, share a video, or share slides during a Crowdcast event.

Updated over 5 months ago

The information below is different from using the Studio to share media. Anyone on stage can follow the steps below in order to share something on the stage. Hosts and co-hosts, on the other hand, additionally have access to the Studio where you can upload slides or video URLs. Learn more about the Studio here.

To share your screen or share media directly to the stage, click the screen share icon from the AV module below the stage. It’s the icon that looks like a rectangle with an arrow pointing upward.

Three options will appear when you click the screen share icon. You can share a video, screen, or slides.

Selecting Video allows you to share a video URL from Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, or hosted MP4 file directly onto the stage. You have the option to mute everyone on stage, so any audio on their end won’t be heard over the shared video.

Selecting Screen allows you to set up a traditional screen share. This pop-up will appear where you can select to share your entire screen, a window, or a specific browser tab.

If you want to share your screen with audio, you need to select the Chrome Tab option (or the equivalent on any Chromium-based browser) and check the Share tab audio box.

When you're sharing your entire screen and your event screen is visible within that screen share, it's like two mirrors reflecting each other. It creates an infinite reflection effect that looks like this:

This happens with any software that lets you see the screen share as you are screensharing. Don't worry – It's not a bug and nothing is broken! When you move away from Crowdcast, your audience will see your presentation or the webpage you're sharing.

If you share a window, you can share the view of another application. Here’s an example where the host is sharing the view of their Discord app.

If you select Slides, you can upload .pdf, .doc, .ppt, or image files directly to the stage. You will be able to advance the slides or pages by using the arrow keys at the bottom of your presentation or the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Anyone assigned the in-event role of Speaker will additionally be able to access Studio-uploaded slides and image files from this option.

If you want to adjust how the screen share is displayed, you can use any of the available stage layout options. Learn more about the available stage layouts.

Important Notes

  • Before hosting an event, be sure your browser of choice is set up for screen sharing. Learn more about this here.

  • When sharing a screen or media, only one person can share a selection option at a time. For example, two people cannot share slides at the same time. However, one person could share slides while another shares a video.

  • The person who shares a presentation is the only one who can control the advancement of the slides.

  • If you need to share a Powerpoint presentation that includes animation, you’ll need to share either your entire screen or the Powerpoint application window. Animations are not supported by uploading a .ppt doc into the studio or through the Slides option within the AV module.

  • The maximum recommended file size is 250 MB.

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