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How to Use the Studio

Level-up your events with professional production elements using Crowdcast's built-in Studio.

Updated this week

The Studio is the last module on the right side of your event view. Only hosts and co-hosts are able to access this feature. See An Overview of Roles for information on role assignments and permissions.

You’ll need to enter the greenroom to add some Studio elements, but you can set these up in advance and then exit the greenroom until you’re ready to go live. You can do this as far ahead of your event as needed.


Customize the style and branding of your event by uploading a logo and background image within the Brand section of the Studio. You can upload these image files directly from your device. Hover over each and click Show to reveal them on the stage.

💡 Pro Tip: For the stage background, we recommend using a 1920 x 1080 image since the new stage is now 1080p. We don’t have recommended dimensions for your logo. However, you might consider adding some padding to your logo so it doesn’t directly bump into the video tiles.

The Primary Color option within the Brand section sets a color for any Overlays, or lower thirds, that you create.


The titles section is where you can display text on stage like names of speakers, statements, or conversation topics. Select the 5s option if you want the overlay automatically removed after five seconds, or select Show to keep the overlay on stage until you click Hide.

Here's an title in action introducing Sai, our CEO.


This section allows you to upload and share a video from YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia. Simply drop a video URL, hover over the uploaded video, and click the green play button to bring it to the stage.

You can pause the video from the stage or move the video tile around as needed. When you’re ready to remove the video, you can either click the remove from stage icon ⛔ when hovering over the video or you can click the stop button from within the Studio. (Your attendees will not see the video controls that you're able to see as host.)

Note that everyone on stage will be automatically muted when a video is shared to prevent any audio feedback.

When you hover over a video in the studio, you will see an icon called more. When hosts click on more they see the options to share a video without muting mics, edit the video, open the video in a new tab, or delete the video.

Important Notes

  • YouTube videos must be unlisted or public to be added to the studio—private videos are not supported.

Slides & Docs

Use this section to upload .pdf, .doc, .ppt, or image files from your computer. The maximum file size limit is 250 MB.

Select the file you want to display and click Upload and convert. Hover over the uploaded file and click Show to bring your slides to the stage. You can easily advance the slides directly from the stage or by using the directional arrows on your keyboard. As with videos, you can remove slides from the stage by either clicking Hide from the Studio or by clicking the remove from stage icon ⛔ when hovering over the slides.

As a reminder, only hosts and co-hosts have access to the Studio, but anyone else on stage can share video links, upload slides, or set up a traditional screenshare by using the AV controls at the bottom of the screen. This includes attendees who have been invited on stage. Check out Screen Sharing During An Event for more information.

💡Pro Tip: Want to upload your guest speaker’s presentation for them? Those assigned the in-event role of Speaker can access files that have been uploaded to the Studio by using the AV controls at the bottom of their screen and selecting Slides. Only the person who is actively sharing the slides can advance them.

Calls to Action

This is where you can set up a call to action button that points to a specified URL or a button that allows your attendees to make a contribution. When revealed, the call to action or contribution button will appear in bright green just below the stage. Learn more here.

You can upload multiple videos, presentations, and CTAs into the Studio, but only one of each can be displayed at a time.

Creating a Studio Template

If you host similar sessions and don’t want to re-upload studio elements each time, you can save your existing settings as a studio template. Just add the studio elements that you plan to use for each session, and click the paint palette icon at the top right. Click Save changes then Save as new template to name your template and store it for future use. You can also edit a template that’s been saved if you need to.

Important Notes

  • You can re-order all Studio elements to keep things organized. Click the six dots to the right of any element to drag and drop it. View an example of this here.

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