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Guest Speaker Checklist

Inviting a guest speaker or attendee on-screen? Send them this first!

Updated over 5 months ago

A proper tech check is essential for a smooth broadcast. Get stage-ready with this checklist.

  • Join from a compatible browser and device. Google Chrome is the preferred browser, although you can also use another Chromium-based browser like Opera, Edge, or Brave. You won’t be able to use Safari or Internet Explorer.

  • Make sure your browser is up-to-date. An outdated browser can cause issues since we are browser-based. If using Chrome, you can verify whether there’s an update by clicking the three vertical dots at the top right corner of the browser window. From there, go to Help > About Google Chrome.

  • Close all unnecessary applications and tabs. When your computer is overworked, you may experience lag. Apps like Slack, Teams, Discord, WhatsApp, etc. can place additional strain on your CPU.

  • Have headphones handy. If you hear feedback, it’s likely that your device’s audio is feeding back into your mic. Use headphones to prevent this.

  • Check browser permissions. If your browser can’t connect to your camera or mic, here are instructions on how to update your browser permissions.

  • Mac users: check your system settings if you need to share your screen. If you need to share your screen, you may need to grant access through your system settings. Here are instructions on how to do this.

If you've followed the steps above, you're all set to go on-screen! 🥳

Important Notes

  • If you're experiencing sluggish performance, start by refreshing the window. If problems persist, restart your web browser and navigate back to the event.

  • If you change mic settings after joining the stage, you may need to refresh in order for these changes to take effect. It’s best to join the stage initially with the correct equipment selected.

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