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How do I reset a session?
How do I reset a session?

Resetting a session allows you to completely start over without creating another event or moving your attendees.

Updated over 2 months ago

If you need a do-over, you can reset the session. Resetting a session will set the session back to the pre-live state, so you can restart the event at the same event link.

Here are a few scenarios where you may want to reset a session:

  • You went live by mistake in an event that wasn't scheduled to go live, and you don't want to create a new event requiring your attendees to re-register.

  • You experienced an issue or made a mistake and want to start over from the beginning.

  • You went live using the in-browser option when you wanted to go live using RTMP or vice versa.

How to Reset a Session

1. End the stream by clicking the red "X" in the lower right corner

2. Open the Options from the top rightSelect

3. Reset Session from the drop-down menu

4. Confirm your selection. Keep in mind that, once you click Yes, your event recording will be permanently deleted.

5. After confirming, your event will then go back to a scheduled state, and you can go live again without having to create another event.

πŸ“Œ If your event is an RTMP event, you will need to cancel and re-enter RTMP mode in order to generate new stream keys and go live again.

Important Notes

  • You can only see the Reset Session option for events that have gone live and not for events that have yet to go live.

  • When you reset a session, your audience can stay in the event and don't need to refresh the screen or re-enter.

  • When you reset a session, the recording is removed from our database and cannot be retrieved along with any session analytics.

  • In a multi-session event, you can reset individual sessions without affecting the entire event.

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