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How to Use the Q&A Feature

Asking and answering questions and other features available within the Q&A section like upvoting, timestamping, and moderation.

Updated over 2 months ago

What is the Q&A Feature?

The Q&A feature allows attendees to submit all of their questions in one spot, so you can easily see and access them during your event.

How does it work?

As a host, you have the ability to timestamp and display the question you're currently answering. This allows people who watch the replay to easily jump to that moment in the event to view the answer.

๐Ÿ“Œ This is only available for recorded events. If you go live only without recording, you can still enable the Start answering button, but attendees will not be able to view the answers on a replay.

When you're ready to answer the question, click on the Start answering button. Doing this timestamps the moment in the recording when you started answering that question.

By default, the question will also display on the stage from the bottom left.

When you've finished answering the question, click on the Done answering button.

This moves the question over to the Answered section. As a host, you have the ability to reopen a question if the topic comes up again or if you finish answering too soon.

Anyone watching the recorded replay can navigate to the Answered tab and click View answer to jump to that moment in the replay.

What should I tell my attendees to do?

Attendees just need to click on the icon that looks like a speech bubble with a question mark. Once the Q&A section is open, they will see a text field at the bottom where they can submit their questions. Clicking the Enter key on a desktop or mobile keyboard will submit the question.

Attendees have the option to edit or delete their question after it's been submitted. Everyone registered has the ability to comment on one another's questions.

You can also encourage your attendees to upvote any questions they'd like answered. This will help you focus on the top questions, especially if you're limited on time for the Q&A portion. Upvoted questions will be bumped to the top of the list.

What if I don't want the questions to display on stage?

Open the Q&A section and click the settings cog in the top right corner to hide the questions from the stage. If your event is being recorded, questions will still be timestamped when you click Start answering.

What if I want to disable the Q&A feature?

Open the Q&A section and click the settings cog in the top right corner to disable this section. This will hide the Q&A section from your attendees.

What if my attendees post questions in the chat?

You can hover over their comment and convert it into a question by clicking on the question mark icon. This will add it to the Ask a Question section.

How can I display a chat message on screen?

You can present a message from the chat on the stage by overing over and clicking on the icon on the far left.

Important Notes

  • The timestamp feature is not currently available on the mobile app.

  • In an RTMP session, questions wonโ€™t display on stage or be timestamped.

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